The famous Worsley, Leopard Pie’s came from a desire to find great pizza! As hard as we tried, we couldn’t find a pie that gave us everything we wanted. Therefore, we had no choice, other than to create our own.
However, in 2015 life took a turn, and our young daughter was admitted to hospital with kidney failure. During this difficult time we experienced a lot of pizza brands in and around Manchester while visiting the hospital. We soon came to realise that we could do what they do. But better.
Skip to 2020 and just like the rest of the world, we suddenly had an influx of free time. So what do you do when you’ve got far too much time on your hands… you get back to making pizza! And that is exactly what we did. We took our pies to the streets and threw pizza parties on Thursday nights in honour of our great NHS. We gave our pies out for free and started to notice them popping up all over Instagram!
I started to receive messages asking about our pies from various people. Fast forward a couple of weeks, and the messages kept coming!! At this point we sat down with a bottle of red and decided we had created an incredible opportunity. There was a gap in the market, people clearly wanted good pizza. We created Leopard Pie the brand and started selling x100 pies on Thursday, x100 pies on Friday, x100 pies on Saturday & x100 pies on Sunday, to which all sold out. We took the profits and opened Worsley Village’s first unit restaurant and takeaway Leopard Pie!
Our main goal with Leopard Pie, from the very beginning was to ensure the highest quality product!
We sourced fantastic, high-quality ingredients from Italy and created a pizza dough that was good for your gut. When you eat one of our pies you don’t fall into an awful, sugary food coma like you do when you have pizzas from the big brands. We are disrupting the pizza market and changing the way people think about pizza.
We want to become the best pizza brand out there and in order to do this we have to think outside the box. Our dough is fermented over a three-day period and cooks within 60 to 90 seconds at 550° always by fire to create an amazing, light fluffy texture contained in a crunchy leopard shell.
Leopard Pie customers expect the highest quality pie and we pull out all the stops to make sure the customer gets, what the customer deserves!